To begin with...

abundance coaching emotional management love trauma coaching Feb 14, 2024
Stephanie Romeo about Love

More Love 



We talk too little about love, as if love were just a personal and secret matter, a closed circle in which only a select few are allowed. As if love were fragile and needed to be preserved, as if its quantity were limited.


But the opposite is true: love is an inexhaustible force, without limits or restraint. Love is not a closed circle, it's what surrounds us. It's everywhere, in you, in each of us.


Love is not a rare resource to be saved. It is an abundance to be distributed, available to everyone and to which everyone is entitled. If you think you don't have love within you, or that you're not entitled to it, it's an illusion. Because it is there, simply waiting to be recognized. I will explain all of this to you soon.


This newsletter is the first in a monthly series to stay in touch with you. I found the date appropriate for this celebration.

Sending you lots of love.


Stephanie Romeo

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and sometimes just the right words you need to hear.

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Stephanie Romeo