"I'm not as I should be"

accepting oneself coaching finding peace nothing is wrong with me seeking love self-love thought error Apr 15, 2024
Stephanie Romeo Coaching

"I'm not as I should be" 



Have you ever had the feeling that you didn't measure up, that you didn't fit in with the expectations of the person looking at you, or the people around you? If, as a child, you felt that you didn't meet the expectations of your parents or teachers, or that you struggled to identify with others or find your tribe, you may have developed the idea that you're not "as you should be ».


Perhaps today, without being aware of it, it's this mechanism that comes into play when someone makes a remark that seems harmless to them but hits you like a blow to the heart. It's possible that deep down inside you, this cruel little phrase is resurfacing: "I'm not the way I should be". Then begins a real attack of self-criticism. You clam up or react somewhat aggressively. You don't like your reaction and you think there's something wrong with you.


emotionThus, you've just convinced yourself that you're not "as you should be ».


We often experience "thought errors", erroneous thoughts that run our lives without us being aware of them. But when we manage to identify them and free ourselves from them, another life begins.


You understand that you are exactly as you should be, unique, in your own way, and the best thing you can do to counter these thought errors is to provide yourself with the support you need. Repeating the phrase 'I love myself and I accept myself' is an invaluable antidote to neutralize these unfounded reproaches.


By the way, what does "being as you should be" mean? It means being 50 different versions of yourself, 50 different versions depending on the 50 people watching you.


Choose the version you like.

Stephanie Romeo


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Stephanie Romeo