What you do matters
Dec 15, 2024
As the year draws to a close, I invite you to pause and reflect on all you've accomplished this year. Not just the big achievements or successes that everyone notices, but especially the little things—the small victories that, sometimes, you don’t even see because they feel so “normal” to you.
Too often, we move forward without acknowledging the value of our efforts. But nothing is owed. Everything you've done this year, you've done because you wanted to. Not because you had to get up every morning, but because you chose to.
We sometimes live under the illusion that there are things we “must” do. But in reality, nothing you do is truly imposed on you. You always have the choice to give up.
Yet, you don't give up.
Every morning, you get up and decide to move forward.
Realize this: everything you do, you do because you decide to do it. When we believe we act out of obligation, we sometimes forget that every choice we make is rooted in our freedom.
For my part, one of my greatest victories this year—beyond the peace and serenity regained by the people I have the joy of accompanying—has been refusing to say to myself what I would never say to someone I love. I chose to support myself, to look at myself with curiosity when I don’t like what I’m doing, to console myself, to encourage myself, and to love myself.
What have you achieved this year? Who have you been? What are you proud of? Take a moment to acknowledge your victories, big or small.
As the year draws to a close, I wish for you to fill yourself with gratitude for all that you are and all that you’ve done.
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