When your thoughts deceive you
Mar 15, 2025
“The more I relax, the better I feel.”
That's all.
This sentence would normally make you smile or provoke no reaction at all, just like if I told you that peas are small, round and green.
But if it triggers resistance, criticism or a form of rebellion in you, it could be a sign that you're under the influence.
The influence of what?
Perhaps negative emotions...
When we are overwhelmed by negative emotions (sadness, stress, confusion...) our perception becomes distorted.
Our ability to see things with wisdom, perspective, and clarity shrinks.
It means that...
When we feel bad, we cannot trust what we think.
I suggest you engrave this sentence on your fridge door with a knife:
"When I feel bad,
I can't trust what I think."
(Or, if you prefer, just write it on a post-it.)
The answer is in the phrase itself: Relax...
1 - Relax your shoulders, sit up straight and take deep belly breaths.
2 - Write down or say aloud what's bothering you (record yourself).
3 - Give yourself the support you need. What would you like to hear? What would you like someone to tell you? Say it to yourself.
And if this feels difficult, seek support.
No one is meant to navigate everything alone. Not even the most eminent surgeon can operate on himself!
- There is always a solution.
- You have all the resources you need to face whatever comes your way, even if it doesn’t feel that way right now.
- Nothing exists but the present moment.
- You are not alone.
- Love what matters the most.
Try it. And watch what changes in you.
As a certified life coach, I help you feel calmer, more at peace, and access your inner resources to create the results you desire. 👉 Book a free session.
🎙️Cher ami... Chère amie... (Dear friend)
Would you like to relax while listening to my podcast in French?
"3 minutes pour tout changer" (3 minutes to change everything) offers relaxing or energizing audios to transform your emotional state in just 3 short minutes.
Click here to listen🎧
Wishing you a pleasant experience.
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